General Terms & Definitions

An agenda is a printed list of legislative issues the city council considers at a council meeting.

A resolution is a method of expressing the opinion or policy of the city council about matters of administration. Resolutions are less formal that ordinances.

An ordinance becomes the local law of the City of Manassas if adopted by the city council. If the ordinance deals with matters of a general and permanent nature, it is included in the Manassas City Code. If the ordinance deals with matters of a special nature, it is a non-coded ordinance.

a motion is the verbal means of a council member taking action on an issue. A motion must be seconded, voted upon, and approved by four or more members to accomplish the action desired.

New Business
New business is an opportunity for council members, the city manager, city clerk, city cttorney, and the audience to present additional items not included on the formal agenda.

When a city council position becomes vacant for any reason, it is filled by appointment of the majority of the remaining city council members. Such appointment must be made within 60 days of the vacancy, and the appointee serves until the next council member election.

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