Become a Keep Manassas Beautiful Adopta Volunteer or Sponsor

Becoming a Keep Manassas Beautiful Adopta Volunteer
  1. Pick your location. Use our interactive map to find your favorite place and then claim it as your adopted Litter Clean-up location. 
  2. Fill out an application form. We’ll arrange for you to pick up your litter collection equipment.
  3. Get started! Make sure that you report your activity. We keep track of all of the volunteer hours and the amount of litter our volunteers pick up.
Conviértese en un Voluntario del Programa de Adopción de la organización Mantengámonos la Ciudad de Manassas Hermosa
  1. Elija una ubicación. Use nuestro mapa bilingüe interactivo para buscar su lugar favorito y luego pídalo como su ubicación adoptada de Limpieza de Basura.
  2. Llene una solicitud bilingüe en línea. Haremos planes para que venga usted a recoger el equipo de recolección de basura en la calle/el parque.
  3. ¡A comenzar! Asegúrese de registrar su actividad en este formulario bilingüe. Mantenemos un registro de todas las horas de trabajo voluntario y de la cantidad de basura que nuestros voluntarios ayudan a recoger y botar.
Please be advised 
Keep Manassas Beautiful is a program for active volunteers interested in helping to keep our public spaces clean. No signs with your group's name will be posted until the applicant group performs a minimum of six cleanups. All clean-up activity must be reported online through our activity app. Adoption signs are for active volunteers only and are not intended solely for advertising businesses or groups.

Becoming a Keep Manassas Beautiful Sponsor
Your contribution will be used to support our volunteers with supplies and safety gear including vests, gloves, litter pickers, bags, poles, waders, and much more! Keep Manassas Beautiful offers several levels of sponsorship and all donations are tax deductible. 

If interested in sponsorship, please contact:
Colleen Burroughs, Keep Manassas Beautiful Coordinator
703-257-8256 (office) or 

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