Voter Registration & Elections

Upcoming Elections

All about upcoming elections in the City of Manassas.

Election Information

Frequently asked questions about elections and registering to vote.

Early Voting

Important dates, times, and other rules regarding Early Voting in Virginia.

Vote by Mail

How to apply and vote by mail.

Office Hours

Voter Registrar Office Hours may change depending on the nearness to an election and voting absentee in-person.

Election Results

See current and past election results for the City of Manassas.

About Us
The Voter Registration and Elections office ensures the opportunity to register and vote for all eligible citizens. It is the duty of this office to guard the integrity of Virginia’s electoral system and to promote the education and participation of Virginia voters.  Virginia has 133 localities, ranging in population from under 3,000 to over 1,000,000.

Our Building

The voter registration and elections office is housed in the Harry J. Parrish Old Town Hall Building, which was built as the Manassas Town Hall in 1914-15 from a design by noted local architect Albert Speiden. The red brick structure housed the Manassas Volunteer Fire Company on the first floor (until 1956) and the Town Council chamber and offices on the second floor. The building was enlarged in 1930 with a two-story addition, and its original cupola was removed in the 1960s.
In 1987, after 73 years, the seat of municipal government moved to a new four-story City Hall building adjacent to the original. Town Hall subsequently housed an exhibition center and offices for The Manassas Museum (1987-91) and the City’s Visitor Center operated by Historic Manassas, Inc. (1993-97). Voter Registration moved into the building in 1997.

Old Town Hall

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